Home improvement

Using Your Greenhouse in Spring and Summer 

Your greenhouse is the perfect place to grow a variety of flowers, plants and vegetables whilst being protected from all weather conditions, which means that if you regulate the temperature and watering well inside your greenhouse, you will be able to grow virtually anything all year round. If you know where to shop for the best products, then you’re off to a good start. Check out websites that are jam packed with information, for example Two Wests, for the right information to kick start your greenhouse journey this year. 


Ensuring your greenhouse is properly ventilated over the long hot Summer months is important for keeping your plants happy and healthy. Greenhouse ventilation is achieved with a combination of roof vents, louvre vents, greenhouse door and fans. Excellent ventilation is essential if your greenhouse crops are to thrive. Ventilation controls both the temperature and humidity of the air in the greenhouse – both of which are essential factors when it comes to healthy plant growth and bumper crops. You need cool air to be drawn into the greenhouse and hot air to be driven out. 

Image Credit: Two Wests 

Irrigation Water System 

An automatic irrigation water system is ideal if you’re not always around to water your plants each day. This ensures your plants get the watering they need without you being there, allowing you to go about your day-to-day business with one less job to do on the jobs list. Generally speaking, you want to still give your plants a solid watering every once in a while, to give the soil good moisture, depending on the plants you’re working with. You should do your research before deciding which plant to purchase. 


Green shade netting is perfect for indoor and outdoor use. This netting will provide protection from the scorching temperatures of the sun inside your glass greenhouse, creating an effective barrier between the sun and the glass. Diffusing the light that enters the greenhouse will bring the temperature down to a more workable temperature for you and your plants. If this is being used for outdoor purposes, the netting allows for ventilation during most weather conditions including sun and rain. 


It goes without saying, to be able to get the best use out of your greenhouse you need to have some electricity installed so you can have lighting, heating, and irrigation systems in place. This allows you to use your greenhouse all day long, even in the darker hours of the day. 

Water Storage 

Finishing off with the perfect water storage for your greenhouse, it’s time to be more sustainable! Collecting rainwater is a perfect source of water for watering your plants inside and outside of your greenhouse. They don’t always have to be unsightly, you can get decorative water butts, for example the Tuscan Water Butt designed to look like an Italian terracotta pot, serving both purpose and decorative style in your garden this Summer.  This is a perfect way to achieve a Mediterranean feel to your garden this season. 

Image Credit: Two Wests 

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