Home improvement

5 Common Causes of Roof Waterproofing Failures

There can be many causes of a roof waterproofing failure, but more often than not, shoddy workmanship and the use of a membrane that isn’t fit for purpose – or is not part of a full waterproofing system – are to blame.

Below are 5 of the most common causes of roof waterproofing failures that typically require a thorough assessment from a roof specialist:

  1. Higher floors

In buildings with multiple floors and levels, those higher up can cause issues and roof waterproofing failures for lower areas of the building. Many multilevel buildings have flat roofs, which can quickly accumulate excessive rainwater that leads to leaks, and eventually causes damage to the entire structure of the building. Defective plumbing can also cause leaks on such buildings, and require roof repairs at some stage.

  1. Shoddy roof waterproofing

When waterproofing methods are not carried out correctly by a roofing contractor, it can easily (and very often does) lead to leakages. Balconies and windows are notoriously difficult to apply waterproofing membranes to, and work must only ever be carried out by a qualified, reputable, roof doctor. Use of the wrong product and insufficient substrate preparation, means that when the waterproofing membrane is applied, it simply isn’t able to perform its role effectively.

  1. Lack of maintenance by a qualified roofing contractor

A healthy roof is typically one that has been regularly inspected and maintained by a Roofing Company Cheyenne WY, which helps to prevent serious and costly roof repairs caused by inadequate waterproofing, throughout the roofs’ lifespan. Even the tiniest of cracks can lead to a leak, and if not dealt with swiftly, can lead to water damage much sooner than expected. To prevent roof waterproofing issues, schedule regular maintenance checks and tackle problems as soon as they arise.

  1. Incorrect choice of roof waterproofing membrane

A complete waterproofing system should always be used, that includes a sheet membrane with all the ancillaries. The membrane must be flexible enough to allow building movements and be UV, chemical and salt air resistant. The only way to ensure that the correct roof waterproofing system is used on a roof, is to work with a reputable roofing contractor.

  1. Inadequate flat roof refurbishment 

Roof waterproofing is not a simple procedure, and when an individual experiences a leak with their flat roof and seeks help to solve it and prevent long term damage to the building, if the problem isn’t diagnosed properly, it can lead to ineffective or substandard roof repairs. Working with a qualified contractor with a good reputation and high level of customer satisfaction, such as the roof doctor, is by far the simplest way to ensure that a flat roof gets the waterproofing treatment it requires.

A roof waterproofing failure can be catastrophic for a building, and if you’re living in a home that has a leaking roof, you’ll need to seek help from a roof specialist at the earliest opportunity, otherwise you could be hit with huge repair bills at a later date.


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