
Selling Land to a Homesteader? Five Things A Homesteader Is Looking for When Considering Buying Land

A lot of families are attracted to rural places because of the satisfaction that can come from experiencing farm life without the pressure to make a profit. Homesteaders usually purchase raw land and build their own houses on it. When a buying land, they consider the following factors:

At Least 3 Acres of Land to Raise Livestock and Keep A Garden

The size of land a homesteader may need varies with their vision and the nature of the terrain they want to inhabit. Generally, they require at least 3 acres of land to raise livestock and keep a garden. Depending on conditions, families can have a year’s supply of vegetables, sufficient fruit and berries, and some meat with 2 acres of land. And to continuously heat a well-built house, they need another 2 acres of well-managed woodlot. The land investors over at Checklands.com interact with homesteaders all the time and would be happy to answer any questions you have about what homesteaders are looking for as you consider selling your land.

Rural Land Free of Local Zoning Laws

These zoning laws could prevent a homesteader from keeping certain livestock on the land. If your land is under residential zoning, it’s meant to be used for living accommodations.

In many communities, livestock that can be kept outside in residential areas is prohibited or regulated. Some ordinances may exist dictating the number of animals permitted acre of lot. Land buyers who plant to homestead and own cows, bees, pigs, and other livestock should know if these animals are allowed on a property and determine the required accommodations

Access to Water

When buying land, homesteaders prefer where there is a lake or creek already on the lot or a well that can be dug. Most high-value crops require irrigation beyond natural rainfall. The ability to irrigate depends on the water rights of the farm. Make sure to check with the local watermaster about these rights attached to your parcel or about the possibility of developing new water rights in your area.

Timber (trees) is available to be harvested

Homesteaders who plan to heat with wood will search for easy access to a steady supply of firewood. Also, they will need lots of wood to build log buildings, fencing, home-sawn dimensional lumber, and outbuildings.

A Flat Area Where A Home Can Be Built

Homesteaders want to live independently with their families, so they need to build a house. For, they will need a piece of land with a flat area for the construction of their family home.

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