Home improvement

How Wooden Sash Windows Benefit A Modern Home

Wooden sash windows provide a certain level of elegance and style to a home. You might think of sash windows as being the perfect fit for a traditional, period property, and you would be right, but more people want to incorporate the style into modern homes, and it can provide you with a wonderful style element that is also eco-friendly and offers a long-life, sustainable material to add to your renovation project. If you can find a supplier of sash windows that provide you with bespoke sash windows for your project, you’ll have the perfect fit to match your modern home.

The first benefit to adding sash windows to your modern home is that you are immediately improving the visible aesthetic of the property. There are no two ways about it, sash windows look fantastic. With modern design and sustainable materials used in creating wooden sash windows, you are also adding windows that will last you for decades to come, improving the energy efficiency of your home, reducing your heating bills, and lowering noise pollution.

The longevity of timber sash windows is also commendable, as some authentic timber sash windows from original period properties have literally lasted hundreds of years. As long as you look after your sash windows with regular and clever maintenance, it doesn’t take that much up-keep to make sure that they remain in good condition for a long time, which cannot always be said about the use of more modern materials in home renovations.

Energy efficiency is the key question that many homeowners want an answer to these days. Looking at fitting sash windows to a modern home could be about adding windows that significantly improve the energy efficiency rating of a property, especially if you choose double-glazed wooden sash windows to be fitted. Double glazing timber sash windows improve heat retention through the additional pane of glass, blocking noise from coming in and out and drastically improving how well the window works in terms of the heat management of the property and your utility bills.

Modern techniques combined with traditional wooden sash window styles can bring about the best of both worlds. Double glazing and secure latches and frames help to build confidence in the quality and long-term viability of the sash windows as part of a modern home design, whilst the look is timeless and luxurious. 

Looking for help fitting sash windows? Wooden sash windows provide style and substance to your home renovation plans. They look great on both traditional and modern homes, offer great insulation to properties and help to reduce the carbon footprint of the property. Find a supplier of double-glazed sash windows to meet the style and energy efficiency requirements of your modern home renovation and it will make a massive difference to the end result. Working with a supplier that you can trust helps to build confidence in the choices you make for both style and substance with a home renovation, whether the timber sash windows are used in a modern property or a period property.

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